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aldes PressureWatch Notice D'installation page 9

Pressostat connecté


sensors, defines alerts when thresholds are overrun and registers the people to be advised in the event of an anomaly,
Once the sensor has been activated by the magnet and the pressure tube is inserted in the system or ventilation duct,
flash the QR code on the box using a smartphone or go to aldesconnect.pro with the ID number of the box.
Confirm the general conditions of use and follow the registration steps until the confirmation message
"Congratulations, your product has been registered successfully".
Once the fields have been completed, an invitation e-mail will be sent directly to your customer. Your customer should
then create his account on aldesconnectpro.com before he can access the service.
Aldes ne pourra être tenu responsable en cas d'installation en zone non couverte par le signal Sigfox (en local technique,
en sous-sol par exemple). Vérifiez la couverture réseau directement sur https://www.sigfox.com/en/coverage.
Aldes ne pourra être tenu responsable de tout dommage direct ou indirect lié aux réseaux de communication et ne
garantit pas le fonctionnement du service Sigfox.
En conséquence des deux points ci-dessus, la valeur de remboursement en cas d'arrêt du service indépendant de la
volonté d'Aldes et sur réclamation du client, sera calculée au prorata de la période d'utilisation moyennant une franchise
de 100 € sur le prix de vente initial.
RESPONSABILITÉS DU CLIENT - Le passage en commande du Pressostat connecté PressureWatchTM par le client vaut
acceptation de sa part sans réserve au service qui lui est proposé. Il accepte, en enregistrant le produit, l'utilisation de
ses données personnelles par Aldes afin d'assurer le bon fonctionnement du service.
Le client installateur professionnel s'engage à faire la même démarche vis-à-vis de son client final et se porte garant
à l'égard d'Aldes d'avoir obtenu le consentement de son client à la mise en place de ce service : à défaut, le Client
engagera sa responsabilité à l'égard d'Aldes.
Aldes may not be held liable for an installation in an area not covered by the Sigfox signal (in technical room or basement,
for example).Verify the network coverage directly on https://www.sigfox.com/en/coverage.
Aldes may not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage linked to the communication networks and does not
guarantee the operation of the Sigfox service.
As a result of the two points above, the reimbursement value in the event of a service stoppage outside Aldes' control
and claimed by the customer will be calculated pro rata to the period of use subject to an excess of €100 on the initial
selling price.
CUSTOMER'S LIABILITIES - Placing an order for the PressureWatchTM connected pressure switch by the customer
signifies his acceptance without reservation of the service offered him. By registering the product, he agrees to Aldes
using his personal data to ensure the smooth operation of the service.
The professional installer customer undertakes to apply the same approach towards his end customer and guarantees
Aldes that he has obtained his customer's consent to the installation of this service: failing that, the Customer will engage
his liability with respect to Aldes.

