_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N i M H
d i s c h a r g e
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 . 0 0 A
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N i M H
c y c l e
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C : 2 . 5 A
E : 1 . 0 0 A
Ni-MH-Delta-Peak (-∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ Peak) trigger voltage
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N i M H
d e l t a - p e a k -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
v o l t
= 1 0 m V / c e l l
These programs are only suitable for charging and discharging Lithium-Ion batteries with a
voltage of 3.6 V / cell, and Lithium-Polymer and Lithium-Manganese batteries with a voltage of
3.7 V / cell. The outstanding feature of Lithium batteries is their much higher capacity compared
to other battery types. However, this important advantage is offset by the need to adopt different
handling strategies: they must be charged and discharged using specific methods, otherwise
they will be damaged, and can be dangerous. The directions in these instructions must be
observed at all times when handling these batteries. Specific information and safety notes will
also be found in the battery manufacturer's technical information.
Ni-MH discharge program
The typical purpose of this program is to determine the
residual capacity of a transmitter, receiver or drive battery,
4 . 8 V
or to discharge the pack to a defined level.
In this program the charger discharges the pack using the
set discharge current (0.10 ... 5.00 A, left of screen) until its
voltage falls to the set final discharge voltage (0.1 ... 16.8 V,
right of screen).
The set final discharge voltage should be a value of around
0.9 ... 1.1 V per cell, in order to avoid the pack becoming
deep-discharged. Deep-discharging a pack runs the risk of
reversing individual cells, i.e. they exhibit reversed polarity.
Ni-MH conditioning program
This program is designed to optimise the capacity of a
battery, and balance the state of its cells.
At top right you can use the INC or DEC button to determine
whether the conditioning program is to start with a charge or
discharge cycle. After this you set the number of cycles
from 1 to 5 (e.g., if you set three cycles, the pack will be
charged and discharged three times). The program dis-
C > D
charges the battery using the set discharge current stated
on the right of the screen (0.10 ... 5.00 A), and then rech-
arges it using the charge current (0.1 ... 8.0 A) shown on
the left of the screen. The charge process is terminated
automatically in accordance with the values already set for
„Ni-MH Delta Peak cut-off voltage". The method of reading
out the values for the individual cycles is described in the
section „Screen displays".
It is possible to adjust the trigger voltage (in mV per cell!) of
the automatic termination circuit for Ni-MH batteries.
However, Ni-MH batteries have a less pronounced voltage
drop than Ni-Cd cells, and a practical range has proved to
be 5 ... 25 mV / cell. If the trigger voltage is set higher, there
is a danger of overcharging the battery; if set lower, there is
a danger of premature termination.
We recommend that you carry out a series of test charges
to establish the ideal trigger value for your batteries.
13. Lithium programs