The installation of the grounding wire is an optional
step. If the grounding wire will be used, it should be
installed before the appliance is placed inside the
wall sleeve.
Locate the screw on the side of the appliance.
Remove the screw and the plastic washer.
Secure the grounding wire to the side of the
appliance using the toothed washer and the screw.
Ensure that the toothed washer is against the side of
the appliance. Ensure that the grounding wire does
not become tangled when placing the appliance
inside the wall sleeve.
The installation of the support blocks on the sides of
the appliance is optional based on what can fi t into
the wall sleeve.
Attach four support blocks to the sides of the
appliance, two on each side. The support blocks
provide stability to the appliance inside the sleeve.
Place the appliance inside the wall sleeve. Install
the long stuff seal between the wall sleeve and the
appliance to ensure the enclosure is sealed. A fl at
bladed screw driver or putty knife may be used.
Assemble the trim by inserting the top and bottom
pieces into the side pieces and snapping them into
Pull the power cord through the frame and the slide
the frame over the appliance until it is fl ush with the