This menu displays the current users you've created.
Add user – Allows you to add new account for the tablet and use the Multi-
user feature.
High accuracy (GPS and networks) – Use GPS and Wi-Fi networks to
estimate location.
Battery saving (Networks only) – Use Wi-Fi networks to estimate location.
Device sensors only (GPS only) – Use GPS to pinpoint your location.
RECENT LOCATION REQUEST – Displays apps that have recently requested
your location information.
Camera – Allows the device to tag photos and videos with their locations.
Anti-flicker - Adjust frequency to prevent camera preview screen from
flickering. Choose to Auto, 50Hz or 60Hz.
Google Location Reporting – Allows you to view your Google location
Encrypt tablet – Allows you to encrypt data on the tablet for security. You will
be required to enter a PIN or password to decrypt your tablet each time you
power it on.
Encrypt SD card storage – Allows you to encrypt data on the MicroSD for
Password typing visible – Shows the last character of the hidden password
as you type.
Tablet administrators – View or deactivate tablet administrators.