1. Push and hold the bind button on the TM1500
Telemetry Module while powering on the receiver.
Once the LEDs on the TM1500 and receiver start
blinking, indicating the system is in BIND mode,
release the BIND button.
2. Place the transmitter in BIND mode.
3. The LEDs stop blinking when the Bind
is complete.
4. Telemetry is now available on the transmitter.
Refer to the Spektrum transmitter manual for
telemetry settings.
The Spektrum TM1500 Telemetry Module features
internal telemetry sensors and 5 telemetry sensor ports.
Refer to the Spektrum transmitter manual for telemetry
Internal Telemetry:
• Rx Voltage
Telemetry Sensor Ports:
• Voltage
• Temperature
• XBus Ports (Connect additonal telemetry sensors)
The Spektrum TM1500 Telemetry Module includes the
Voltage Sensor and the Temperature Sensors in the box.