Opening stroke end (FC1A / FC2A)
Input N.C. to which to connect a device signalling when the wing has completed the opening stroke.
Closing stroke end (FC1C / FC2C)
Input N.C. to which to connect a device signalling when the wing has completed the closing stroke.
Amperometric sensor
Sensor integrated in the card, surveying sudden variations of the current absorbed by the motor due to collisions of the gate against some obstacles.
The intervention of the sensor in slowing down step (in both gear directions) or during the fast step of opening determines the stop of the gate. The
intervention of the sensor during the fast step of closing determines the stop of the gate and gear reverse after 1,5 sec. about. Following to an
intervention of the amperometric sensor automatic closing is restrained and therefore it is necessary to supply a new start control to start work cycle.
During the step of fast opening/closing the sensibility of amperometric sensor is regulated by the RV1.
3) Definition of outputs
Blinker (LAMP)
Control on/off of a lamp intended to optically signal danger condition due to moving gate.
The blinker starts up for 1,5 sec. before the motor start (alert). Blinking logics are the following ones:
Fast flashing (2 flashings/sec.): signals the opening step
Slow flashing (1 flashing/sec.): signals the closing step
Fixed light: signals that the gate is stopped, waiting for the removal of the obstacle darkening the photocell, the photostop or the side .
Fast flash (2 flashes/sec.): signals missing connections on the side input.
Very slow flashing (1 flashing/3 sec.): signals the missing net power while working with buffer battery connected.
Motor 1 (MOT1)
Outputs for the control open / close of the motor connected to the first gate wing in closing step.
Motor 2 (MOT2) - to be used on single wing gates
Outputs for the control open / close of the motor connected to the gate wing delayed in closing step.
Electric lock (to be connected to the wing operated by the motor 2)
Impulse control for the release of electric lock.
Open gate lamp (SCA)
Continuous control for a lamp signalling the status of open gate. The lamp is switched off only when the gate is fully closed.
4) Definition of power supply
VIN (FS3 - FS4)
Input 20Vac for feeding of the electronic card and the motors.
OUT 12Vdc
Output for feeding of photocells and/or other accessory devices.
Input for the connection of a 24Vdc buffer Battery.
Warning: make sure the jumper JP2 is in the right position in order to avoid serious damages to the equipment and/or the battery.