C) Working
1) Definition of controls
Start (START)
Input ending to a key N.O. outside the card, useful to require the opening or closing of the gate (both wings). The command can be supplied also by
remote control.
Pedestrian Start (STPD)
Input ending to a key N.O. outside the card, useful to require the opening or closing of only one wing (M2 - pedestrian wing). The command can be
supplied also by remote control. The control pedestrian start is not influential during a start cycle until the end of closing step (closed gate). During a
pedestrian start cycle the start control is always active and determines the start of an opening cycle of both wings. Attention: the pedestrian wing is
to be compulsory connected to motor M2.
2) Definition of safety devices
Stop (STOP)
Input N.C. to which to connect a switch preventing from the start of working cycle that, if supplied during the motion, provokes the immediate stop of
the gate. This condition remains until there is the command. After a stop control the following start control always starts an opening cycle. A stop
control supplied during pause time interrupts work cycle.
Photocell (FOT)
Input N.C. ending to an optical barrier intended to intercept and signal the passage of people or vehicles along the path crossed by the gate or in the
area nearby it. The photocell is affecting but during closing step and in the pause time. If an obstacle darkens the photocell while closing it provokes
the stop and gear reverse after 1,5 sec. about. In Step-by-Step logic, with fully opened gate, an obstacle darkening the photocell in the step
previous to closing cycle start determines a temporary stop of the gate. The blinker signals by a fixed light the anomalous condition. As soon as the
obstacle is removed a closing cycle starts. The intervention of the photocell during the pause time reloads it extending the period before automatic
Photo stop (FTS)
Input N.C. ending to an optical barrier intended to intercept and signal the passage of people or vehicles along the path crossed by the gate or in the
area nearby it. The photocell is affecting but during closing step and in the pause time. If an obstacle darkens the photo stop during the motion or in
the step previous to the work cycle start it determines a temporary stop of the gate. The blinker signals by a fixed light the anomalous condition. As
soon as the obstacle is removed an opening cycle starts, except when the gate is fully opened. In that case a closing cycle will start. The intervention
of the Photo stop during the pause time reloads it extending the period before automatic closing.
Side (CST1 / CST2)
Input to which is to be connected a device that, in case of collision against an obstacle, determines the stop of the gate and, after 1,5 sec., gear
reverse for 2 sec. It is possible to connect sides of resistive type (8K2) or with electric contact N.C.. The card automatically surveys the type of the side
connected. If you wish to change the type of side, you have to cut off the power to the card and then to give it again. An obstacle pressing on the side
in the step previous to the work cycle start determines a temporary stop of the gate. The blinker signals by a fixed light the anomalous condition. As
soon as the obstacle is removed a work cycle starts.