The first set point heating/cooling is the set point
selected on the user interface.
In heating mode the first set point can be a
fixed value or weather dependent.
In cooling mode the first set point is always a
fixed value.
The second set point heating [7-03] should be
linked to the heat emitters which requires the
highest set point in heating mode. Example: fan
coil unit.
The second set point cooling [7-04] should be
linked to the heat emitters which requires the
lowest set point in cooling mode. Example: fain
coil unit.
The actual second set point heating value
depends on the selected value of setting [7-03].
In case [7-03]=1.8~43.2°F (1~24°C), the
actual second set point will be first set point
heating increased with [7-03] (the maximum is
131°F (55°C)).
In this way the second set point heating is
linked to the first set point heating.
In case [7-03]=77~131°F (25~55°C), the
actual second set point heating is equal to
The selection of second set point or first set point
is determined by the terminals (X2M: 1, 2, 4).
The second set point has always priority on the
first set point.
1 2 3 4
When dual set point control is enabled, heating/cooling
selection always has to be done on the user interface.
It is the responsibility of the installer to make sure no
unwanted situations can occur.
It is very important that the water temperature to the
floor heating loops never becomes too high in heating
mode or never too cold in cooling mode. Failure to
observe this rule can result in construction damage or
discomfort. For example in cooling mode condensation
on the floor can occur when water towards the floor
heating loops is too cold (dew point).
EDLQ036~054BA6VJU1 + EBLQ036~054BA6VJU1
Unit for air to water heat pump system
First set point contact
Second set point
[8] Domestic water heating mode timer
Applies only to installations with a domestic hot water tank.
The 'domestic water heating mode timer' field settings defines the
minimum and maximum domestic water heating times, minimum time
between two domestic water heating cycles by heat pump, and
booster heater delay time.
[8-00] Minimum running time: specifies the minimum time
period during which heat pump domestic water heating mode
should be activated, even when the target domestic hot water
temperature for heat pump (T
[8-01] Maximum running time: specifies the maximum time
period during which heat pump domestic water heating mode
can be activated, even when the target domestic hot water
temperature for heat pump (T
The actual maximum running time will automatically variate
between [8-01] and [8-01]+[8-04] depending on the outdoor
temperature. See figure in chapter "[8-04]" on page 32.
Note that when the unit is configured to work with a
room thermostat (refer to "Room thermostat
maximum running timer will only be taken into
account when there is a request for space cooling
or space heating. When there is no request for
room cooling or room heating, domestic water
heating by the heat pump will continue until the
'heat pump OFF temperature' (see field settings [6]
on page 29) is reached. When no room thermostat
is installed, the timer is always taken into account.
[8-02] Anti-recycling time: specifies the minimum required
interval between two heat pump domestic water heating
mode cycles.
The actual anti-recycling time will automatically variate
between [8-02] and 0 depending on the outdoor temperature.
See figure in chapter "[8-04]" on page 32.
Domestic water heating (1 = active, 0 = not active)
Hot water request (1 = request, 0 = no request)
If the outdoor temperature is higher than the field setting to
which parameter [4-02] is set, then field settings of
parameters [8-01], [8-02], and [8-04] are not considered.
) has already been
) has not yet been
page 23),
Installation manual