Using a thermostat will help maintain a constant temperature throughout the house. A low voltage
thermostat (24 volts) is required. A fixed wall mount or hand held model can be used.
Location of the thermostat is very important to obtain maximum comfort and efficiency. The thermostat
should be located 4 to 5 feet above the floor or in accordance with applicable building codes. It should
be installed in a location that provides good air circulation and if installed in the same room as the
stove, it should also be located at around 12 feet from the stove.
Avoid installing the thermostat in the following areas:
• Behind doors;
• Near corners;
• Near air vents;
• Near lighting system;
Installing the thermostat in front of the stove or in front of a window will tend to make the stove cycle (start and
stop) too often and wear components prematurely. See operation's manual for more details on how to operate
the stove with the proper pilot mode.
Installation Manual - 2500
Thermostat recommended location
• Under direct sunlight;
• Under heat generating devices;
• On an outside wall;
• Directly in front of the stove.
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