In this mode is possible to read all the parameters of the device.
Pushing buttons UP/DOWN is possible to show in order:
letter "P" (pre-alarm), letter "A" (alarm), letters "L" and "H"
(fan threshold), letter "F" and the current values in the four channels. After
approx. two seconds from the last showing, the device comes back to the
normal working condition.
In manual mode, unlike the automatic working, it's possible to visualise for
an indeterminate period of time one of the 4 channels or any other
programming parameter.
The monitoring of the other channels and the eventual state of pre-alarm,
alarm or failure which have been created are also guaranteed during
manual working.
To enter in the menù test relays push and hold buttons "ENTER/TEST" until
"Pre" and a relays state (0/1) appare on display.
Push button "UP" to set relays and "Down" to reset it., push "ENTER/TEST"
button again to procede with other relays ("ALL-FAn-FLt").
To exit from the menù test relays Push "AUTO/MANUAL".
For the visualisation of the maximum values of the machine push the
buttons "AUTO/MANUAL" and "ENTER/TEST LAMP" at the same time. The
visualisation of the maximum temperatures is signalised through the led
T.MAX which is placed on the front-end panel.
Please note that the maximum values are reset every time you enter in the
programming phase.
The state of fan relay when the system is in mode 1 or 3 is signalised by the
led FAN which is placed on the front end panel.
The errors on probes during normal working are indicated as follows:
Deconnected probes:
Switching off FAULT Relay, flashing light display, the "ICF" word appear on
display with the number of the channel and the fault led light on.
Short circuit probes:
Switching FAULT Relay, flashing light display, the "SCF" word appear on
display with the number of the channel and the fault led light on.
When one of the thermometric probes detects a temperature over 1 degree
centigrade to the prefixed value, after approx. 1" the relevant relay and led
As soon as the surveyed temperature descents under 1 degree
centigrade the relay and the led changes again.