3. Assembly instructions
The load carrying capacity of the fl oor must be checked by the buyer.
Concrete fl ooring must have a minimum strength of C20/25 according to
DIN EN 206-1/DIN 1045-2 to allow rack fi xing with heavy duty fl oor anchors.
Floor fl atness must comply with the tolerances specifi ed in DIN 18202, table
3 and RAL-RG 614, section
over a distance of up to 1 metre:
over a distance between 1 - 4 metres:
over a distance between 4 - 15 metres:
over a distance of more than 15 metres:
Magnesite fl ooring requires special preparation to prevent corrosion. In
addition to this, fl oor anchors with different properties may be needed.
Assembly must be carried out by competent staff trained and experienced in
working with mechanical storage and handling equipment; all works must be
carried out with appropriate tools and personal protective equipment.
In order to make work easier, we recommend 3 people to carry out assembly
and installation.
Set up shelving & racking only when empty and in compliance with the
Bracing struts must be fi tted as required by the shelving or racking assembly
plan and in consideration of the relevant shelf load and bay load capacities.
Vertical out-of-plumbness in racking length as well as in racking depth must
not exceed 1/350 of the racking height. Horizontal out-of-plumbness in
racking length must not exceed 1/300 of the bay width. Use levelling shims as
Horizontal out-of-plumbness in racking depth must not exceed 1/400.
Fix the load capacity labels / load safety signs provided by the manufacturer
before racking assembly is fi nished. Please note that it is imperative to clearly
display safety and load information on BITO pallet racking.
4. Operating instructions
The racking installation may only be operated by trained personnel who is able to read,
understand and follow the instructions of assembly and use as well as the relevant
national and/or local accident prevention regulations.
Before putting the installation into service, the operator must instruct all staff
members concerned about what is important when working with this storage system
and which risks are involved.
4 mm
BITO racking has been designed for environments with an ambient temperature of
10 mm
-28°C to +40°C.
12 mm
15 mm
Never use water to clean a racking facility. We recommend sweeping, brushing,
cleaning with a cloth or vacuum-cleaning. Removing foreign bodies or obstacles is an
essential requirement.
Do not load shelving or racking before assembly has been completely fi nished.
Do not exceed rated shelf load and bay load capacities.
Always consult the manufacturer of your shelving or racking installation if you wish to
modify the layout or if there are questions on how to assemble your installation.
Loads should always be placed in the middle of a load carrier. Single loads must not be
heavier than 2000 kg each.
When placing a load carrier into the racking, make sure that it rests safely on both
beams, ideally with a projection of 50 mm on either side, assuming that European
standard pallets (800 x 1200 mm) are handled long side on and beam levels are
1100 mm deep.
Insert the fork all the way under the load when loading and unloading a pallet, however
do not protrude the fork past the back of a pallet. If pallets are handled short side
on, make sure to use a lift truck with a fork that is shorter than the load length, or if a
telescopic forklift is used, forks must be retracted accordingly.
Choose service vehicles with suffi cient lift height to ensure safe pallet handling on all
racking levels. Do not exceed the recommended load limit of your service vehicle.
As stipulated by DIN standard EN 15636, shelving and racking operators must ensure
that visual inspections are carried out at regular intervals.
According to the European standard DIN EN 15635, shelving & racking operators
must have the condition of the entire shelving & racking structure assessed in a rack
safety inspection after an earthquake with a ground motion greater than 0,50 γ
0,50 a
Additionally, any warehouse storage facility must be inspected at least once a year by
a qualifi ed person.
Please contact us, if you require information on our shelving & racking inspection
service: E-Mail: aftersales@bito.com
Please check our contact data on www.bito.com for more information regarding our
delivery and assembly service.
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