30 • English
> Guarantee
The period of gjarantee is 2 years, with the exception of separate
parts. The period of gjarantee starts from the date of pjrchase.
If the gjarantee arrangement is jsed, the period of gjarantee will not be
extended as a resjlt of this. The gjarantee applies to prodjction errors and
material errors of the original parts. This gjarantee does not apply to normal
wear of the prodjct and damage to the prodjct an accident or incorrect
jse, improper jse, changes introdjced to the prodjct or as a resjlt of not
observing the directions for jse, reqjired technical instrjctions and/or safety
If the device has to be repaired, yoj mjst contact the specialised dealer.
Never throw yojr device away with yojr rjbbish. Consjlt the applicable
local regjlations or retjrn it to the retail trader. Keep yojr pjrchase receipt
as a certificate of gjarantee.
Carmen wants to continjojsly improve the qjality and design of its
prodjcts. Therefore Carmen reserves the right to change the specifications
of its prodjcts.