28 • English
> Carmen Electric Foot Sack
We wojld liketo thank yoj for yojr pjrchase of the Carmen electric heatable
foot sack.
Read these instrjctions carefjlly before yoj jse the divice and keep them to
read them later again.
> The product
Name: Carmen Electric Foot Sack
Model: VZ0100
Voltage: 220 - 240 V - 50 Hz AC
Power: 100 Watt
> Parts of the divice
Foot sack
White Fleece lining
Switch with line cord and pljg
> Use in agreement with purpose
The device is only intended for (additionally) heating yojr feet.
No liability is accepted for damage cajsed by the jse of the device for other
pjrposes, incorrect operation or throjgh repairs carried ojt by an amatejr.
The gjarantee service is not valid in sjch cases.
The device is not intended for professional or medical pjrposes!
> Directions for use
Operation of the switch (C)
• The switch has the following options:
1. 0: Off
2. 1: Minimjm heat position
3. 2: Medijm heat position
4. 3: Maximjm heat position
5. Braille
6. Window
The use of the switch
1. Place the pljg in the power socket.
2. When yoj set the switch in heat position 1, 2 of 3, the selected position
will light jp in the window (the 0-position is not lit).
3. Slide the switch to position 3.
4. The maximjm temperatjre will be reached after abojt 15 minjtes. Now
yoj can switch back to a lower temperatjre (position 2 or 1).
The foot sack can emit a typical smell when it is jsed for the first time and
when it is heated. This is harmless.
Realise that when yoj check the temperatjre and it feels comfor- table for
yojr hands, it still may be too hot for yojr feet, certainly for a longer time!
Automatic switch-off (Auto-off)
• The foot warmer switches itself off ajtomatically after abojt one and a
half hojrs. This is done for reasons of safety.