Operation Heat Mode Section
Use this section of the Settings screen to set the method
of heating:
1. Tap the EDIT button to open the Heat Mode window.
30 Heat Mode Window
2. Choose from the list of available heat modes:
– Heat Pump: Only the heat pump runs when the
coach requires heating.
– Auto: The furnace and/or heat pump will run when
the coach requires heating. The furnace will only
turn on if the temperature drops below the set point.
The furnace is used as a secondary boost for the heat
pump if the temperature gets cold enough. Auto is
the default setting for Heat mode. When in this
mode and:
– If the outside temperature is above 40 °F (4 °C),
and the inside temperature is less than the Heat
Set Point, then the heat pump will be on.
– If the difference between the inside temperature
and the Heat Set Point is more than 5 °F (3 °C),
then the furnace will be on.
– If the outside temperature is below 40 °F (4 °C),
then the furnace will be on even when the differ-
ence between the inside temperature and the
Heat Set Point is less than 5 °F (3 °C).
– Furnace: Only the furnace runs when the coach
requires heating.
3. Tap the OK button to save your selection and return
to the Settings screen.
20 Temperature System
Use the Temperature System toggle button to set your
desired temperature readings (in degrees Centigrade or
The side of the toggle button that holds the dot indicates
the current selection. Brightness Mode
Use the Brightness Mode toggle button to choose
between Auto (A) or Manual (M) adjustment modes:
• When the auto option is selected, the brightness is
adjusted according to the ambient light sensor values.
• When the manual option is selected, you can adjust the
screen brightness manually. Screen Brightness
Use the Screen Brightness slider to manually set your
desired screen brightness level (shown as a percentage
of full intensity).
In order to set the screen brightness, the manual
brightness mode must be selected. Audio Level
Use the Audio Level slider to set your desired audio level
intensity for the control (shown as a percentage of full
intensity). Time Format
Use the Time Format toggle button to set your desired
time format (in 12-hour or 24-hour formats).
The side of the toggle button that holds the dot indicates
the current selection. Inverter Sleep Enable
Use the Inverter Sleep on/off button to make the system
turn the inverter off at startup.
4.1.10 Programs Screen
The Programs screen allows you to control the
predefined scenes with one touch of a button.
Dometic Interact