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Limited One Year Warranty
T&S warrants to the original purchaser (other
than for purposes of resale) that such product is
free from defects in material and workmanship
for a period of one (1) year from the date of pur-
chase. During this one-year warranty period, if
the product is found to be defective, T&S shall,
at its options, repair and/or replace it. To obtain
warranty service, products must be returned to...
T&S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc.
Attn: Warranty Repair Department
2 Saddleback Cove
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Shipping, freight, insurance, and other trans-
portation charges of the product to T&S and the
return of repaired or replaced product to the
purchaser are the responsibility of the purchaser.
Repair and/or replacement shall be made within
a reasonable time after receipt by T&S of the
returned product. This warranty does not cover
Items which have received secondary finishing
or have been altered or modified after purchase,
or for defects caused by physical abuse to or
misuse of the product, or shipment of the prod-
Any express warranty not provided herein,
and any remedy for Breach of Contract which
might arise, is hereby excluded and disclaimed.
Any implied warranties of merchantability or fit-
ness for a particular purpose are limited to one
year in duration. Under no circumstances shall
T&S be liable for loss of use or any special con-
sequential costs, expenses or damages.
Some states do not allow limitations on how
long and implied warranty lasts or the exclusion
or limitation of incidental or consequential dam-
ages, so the above limitations or exclusions may
not apply to you. Specific rights under this war-
ranty and other rights vary from state to state.
P/N: 098-012284-45
Date: 990316
Drawn: CW
Checked: MAB 4/6/99
Approved: MW 3/25/99
Installation and
B-0155 (also used for
B-0156 and B-0157)
Installations- und
la Instalación y las
Instrucciones de
les Instructions
d'Installation et


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour T&S B-0155

  • Page 1 B-0155 (also used for ucts. Any express warranty not provided herein, and any remedy for Breach of Contract which B-0156 and B-0157) might arise, is hereby excluded and disclaimed.
  • Page 2: Exploded View

    Exploded View Some items are listed for instructional purposes and may not be sold as separate parts.
  • Page 3 Part Number Guide Add-On Faucet Asm, Base Faucet B-0155, B-0156, B-0157 005964-40 Body, Faucet Nipple, 3/8"x3" 000358-40 Asm, Qrtr-Turn Spindle 007947-40 Handle, Blank Lever 001638-45 Handle, 3-Wing Brass 011782-40 Screw, Handle Lever 000922-45 Body, Swivel Unit 3/8 Nozzle Assemblies Asm, Swivel Nozzle - 6"...
  • Page 4: General Instructions

    General Instructions Nozzle Installation: Note: Nozzles should be installed first. See diagram below: If installing to an existing rigid pre-rinse unit or base faucet 1. Shut off water supply and drain lines. Remove existing riser pipe from base faucet. Apply teflon tape or pipe joint compound to threaded ends of no.3. 2.
  • Page 5: Instrucciones Generales

    Instrucciones Generales Instalación de la boquilla: Nota: Las boquillas deben ser instaladas primero. Vea el diagrama de abajo: Si esta instalando a una unidad existente de pre-enjuague rígida o a la base de canilla 1. Cierre la fuente de aguq y desagüe las tuberias. Remuéva el tubo de extensión existente de la base de la canilla.
  • Page 6: Instructions Générales

    Instructions Générales L’Installation De L’Ajutage: Noter: Les ajutages devoir être installer au début. Voir le diagramme ci- dessous. Si vous installer un élément pré-rinçage rigide ou un robinet de la base. 1. Fermer la réserve de l’eau et égoutter la tuyauterie. Enlever le tuyau d’augmentation existant du robinet de la base.
  • Page 7: Allgemeine Anleitungen

    Allgemeine Anleitungen Schwenkarm-Installation: Anmerkung:Die Schwenkarme sind als erstes zu installieren. Siehe Darstellung unten: Wenn er auf eine bestehende starre Vorspüleinheit oder auf ein vorhandenes Unterteil installiert wird: 1. Wasserzufuhr abstellen und Wasserleitungen entleeren. Bestehendes Steigleitungsrohr vom Unterteil entfernen. Teflonband oder Rohrkitt auf die Gewindeenden von Nr.
  • Page 8 T&S BRASS AND BRONZE WORKS, INC. A firm commitment to application-engineered plumbing products 2 Saddleback Cove, P.O. Box 1088, T & S Brass-Europe Travelers Rest, SC 29690 ‘De Veenhoeve’ Phone: (864) 834-4102 Oude Nieuwveenseweg 84 Fax: (864) 834-3518 2441 CW Nieuwveen E-mail: The Netherlands...

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Table des Matières