Please note:
The display does not indicate the current weather situation, but a forecast
for the next 12 to 24 hours.
Calculation of weather forecasts only based on barometric pressure leads
to a maximum accuracy of about 70%. The actual weather at the next day
may be completely different.
Since the barometric pressure measured only applies for an area with a
diameter of approx. 50 km, the weather may also change quickly. This
particularly applies in mountain or high mountain areas.
Therefore, do not rely on the radio weather station's forecast but gather
information on site, e.g. for mountain tours.
If "sunny" is displayed at night, it means a starry night.
The display for "Rain" switches to "Snow" when an outdoor temperature of
less than 0 °C was measured.
e) Barometric Pressure Tendency Display
At the top left of the display, next to the weather icons, a trend display is displayed
to show you barometric pressure development:
f) Switching Measured Value Display of the Outdoor Sensors
The basis station can receive the temperatures measured by up to 3 outdoor sensors
and display them (one is included in the delivery, two more can be ordered as
Every outdoor sensor must be set to a different transmission channel (1, 2
or 3). The slider for this is in the outdoor sensor battery compartment.
When more than one outdoor sensor is logged on to the basis station, push the
button "CHANNEL" (11) on the back of the basis station several times.
The basis station display shows the number of the currently selected outdoor
sensor (see figure in chapter 8. a), position "D").
When an arrow "
automatically switches between the temperature displays of all outdoor sensors
logged on.
" (F) is displayed next to the number, the basis station