Electromagnetic Interference - Although this equipment conforms with the intent of the directive 89/336/
EEC in relation to Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), all electrical equipment may produce interference. If
interference is suspected, move equipment away from sensitive devices or contact the manufacturer.
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can eff ect medical electrical equipment.
Radios, cell phones and similar devices may aff ect this equipment and should be kept at least
2 m (6.5 ft) away from the equipment.
Medical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put into
service according to the EMC information in the following tables.
The following tables document compliance levels and guidance from the IEC 60601-1-2:2007 Standard, for the
electromagnetic environment in which the Skin IQ 1000 MCM should be used in a clinical environment.
Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic emissions
The Skin IQ 1000 MCM is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specifi ed below. The customer or user of the
Skin IQ 1000 MCM should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Emission Test
RF emissions
RF emissions
Harmonic emissions
IEC 61000-3-2
Voltage fl uctuations /
fl icker emissions
IEC 61000-3-3
The Skin IQ 1000 MCM uses RF energy only for its internal function.
Group 1
Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any
Class B
Class B
Electromagnetic Environment
interference in nearby electronic equipment.