Instructions for Use
Technical Data
Control Unit
Power supply:
The negative of the 9V power supply is on the central pin
The positive of the 9V power supply is on the external connection.
Control panel:
Power ON/OFF switch
a commercially available 9 V PP3 type non-rechargeable battery
(6AM6, MN1604, 6LR61) (recommended type Duracell Plus).
an input connector for connection and a 9 V AC/DC converter
(+/- 10 %)
Non regulated voltage of between 3.0 and 1.5 kV for 829-XXXX
and from –3,0 to –1,5 kV for 729-XXXX according to battery
charge level
Factory-set negative output polarity
maximum output current 1 μA
(corresponding to 5 and - 9 mbar in a 55/LS ion pump)
Max. output power: 3 mW
Two LEDs: L1 red
L2 green
Ion Pump Battery Power Supply User Manual / 87-900-111-01 (E)