6. Administrator Settings
6.1 System
Only the administrator has access to the system configuration. The following sections explain each of the
elements in the left-hand column. Specific tasks on the Options page are printed in bold. The administrator
can enter the URL under the picture to go directly to the pictures page of the configuration.
"Host name" This is the text that is shown as the title on the main page.
"Turn off the LED indicator" Select this option to switch off the LED display on the video server.
This prevents other persons knowing that the video server is in operation.
"Time Zone" Adjusts the time according to the selected time zone.
"Enable Daylight Saving Time" Activates daylight saving time settings in the video server. The daylight
saving time settings for every time zone are already saved in the video server.
"Keep current date and time" Choose this option if you wish to keep the current date and time of the video
server. An internal realtime clock stores the date and time even after the system has been switched off due to
a power cut.
"Synchronise with computer time" Synchronises the date and the time of the video server with the local
computer. The read-only date and time of the PC are displayed following the update.
"Manual" Sets the date and the time according to the administrator's input. Note the date/time format when
entering in the respective fields.