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The information contained within this document may be modified without warning. Swiss Timing LTD cannot be held responsible for errors within this document nor for any subsequent nor consequential damages (including loss of profit) arising from its provision, nor performance or use of products described herein, which will be covered by another guarantee, contract or other legal document.
Calypso 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Concept / Concept The Calypso Team Name is a modular scoreboard that uses LED technology and allows indoor as well as outdoor applications. Full compliance is offered with Swiss Timing products (Quantum, Saturn controller or ARES) for sports such as water polo, swimming and diving.
2 INSTALLATION 2.1 Mounting instruction / Instruction de montage It is possible to mount the board either horizontally or vertically. The supports are delivered as an extra depending on the required type of mounting. Il est possible de disposer le tableau en configuration horizontale ou verticale. Les supports sont livrés en option d’après le type de montage désiré.
Calypso 2.1.1 Mounting without kit / Montage sans kit / Ohne Befestigungssatz If you do not possess the original mounting kit, you can make a support by using the 4 lateral M8 fixings. Si vous ne disposez pas de kit de montage d'origine, vous pouvez exécuter un support en utilisant les 4 fixations latérales M8.
Calypso 2.1.3 Mounting brackets (Option kit) / Equerres de montage (Option kit) It is possible to mount the boards either horizontally or vertically. The supports are delivered as an extra depending on the required type of mounting. Les tableaux sont configurés verticalement. Les supports sont livrés en option d’après le type de montage désiré.
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It is possible to mount the brackets so that they are «HIDDEN» or «VISIBLE». Use the corresponding drilling measurement according to the chosen mounting method. Il est possible de monter les équerres «cachées» (HIDDEN) ou «visibles» (VISIBLE). Selon le type de montage choisi, utiliser les cotes de perçage correspondantes. HIDDEN BRACKET VISIBLE BRACKET Front view...
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Before mounting Avant monter Calypsos on their support, Calypsos sur leur support, mount the 4 screws M8x20, monter les 4 vis M8x20, as in the drawing below, selon la figure ci-dessous, without tightening them. sans les serrer. First mount board Monter en premier le tableau situated on the bottom of the inférieur de la colonne en...
Calypso 2.2 Connection / Branchement To open the scoreboard, unscrew the 3 screws on the top of the front face; then the face can rotate to the bottom to give access for cabling. Pour ouvrir le tableau, dévisser les trois vis au haut de la face avant; la face peut ensuite pivoter contre le bas pour donner l'accès pour le câblage.
Calypso : Swimming displays race number and records Saturn : Display team names The Calypso protocol is the standard one and should be mainly selected. Saturn protocol is used in specific conditions. Les tableaux Calypso alphanumériques peuvent être utilisés avec le protocole Calypso (Quantum, ARES, Saturn Calypso Waterpolo) ou le protocole Saturn (Saturn console).
Calypso 3 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES / PROPRIETES ELECTRIQUES 3.1 Electrical characteristics / Caractéristiques électriques Power supply: 100 - 240 VAC Alimentation: Power consumption: Max 1.5 A Max. 150 VA Consommation électrique: Data transmission: RS422, 9600 Bauds, 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit Réception des données:...