Operating principles, model S32
Treatment time
The selected treatment time and temperature is the responsibility of the
qualified hairdressing staff.
Please also take note of the manufacturer's instructions for the products
Please remember that heat may reduce the development times of the prod-
Basic setting
In the basic setting, the temperature is at level 4; all heating heaters are selected,
the hair length is set to short hair and the Client button is at normal.
The basic setting is achieved:
when the appliance is switched on
automatically 10 minutes after the last treatment
manually by pressing the CLEAR button
Perm treatment
1. Enter the desired development time using the Time selection buttons and
start the appliance using the PERM button.
The program starts at temperature level 4.
During the development time, the temperature sensor permanently
monitors the temperature at the client's head and automatically offsets
deviations from the optimal temperature.
2. The appliance switches off automatically after the development time has
elapsed. Now check your test roller to ascertain whether the desired perm
effect has been achieved.
3. If not, you can enter a chosen post-development time by pressing the Time
selection button.
4. Now restart the appliance using the PERM button.
Colour, highlighting and semi-permanent
colour treatments
1. Enter the desired development time using the Time selection buttons and
start the appliance using the COLOR button.
2. The program starts at temperature level 4. If required (e.g. for highlight
treatments with foil), the temperature can be increased or decreased manu-
ally using the "Temperature Setting" button.
Partial drying/Pre-drying (without blower)
1. Select the required drying time using the Time selection buttons.
2. Start the appliance using the COLOR button.
Special feature for partial drying
The hair length can be taken into account using the hair length button when
the hair is drying partially.
Operating principles, model S32