4. Once the measurement is complete, there is a
long signal tone and the measurement result
is displayed.
5. After performing a temperature measurement, the bosotherm
diagnostic shows the measurement result continuously, and
switches off after 1 minute. As soon as the device is ready
for a new measurement, there is a short signal tone and the
"ºC" symbol begins to blink. To perform another temperature
measurement, press the START button and the bosotherm
diagnostic starts a new measurement.
6. If the measurement returns a result that is above or below
the specific temperature range for this mode, "H" or "L" is
shown in the display and three short signal tones are emitted.
After about 5 seconds, the bosotherm diagnostic is ready to
measure again.
7. Press the
nostic. The device automatically switches off after 1 minute.
Ý Push START button
button in order to switch off the bosotherm diag-
Ý Push