Adding additional Timex Smart devices
Click on "Add device" below your current Timex Smart device on the My Devices section of the profile page
to add additional devices. Select the device type and follow the pairing instructions for your device.
If you are adding an additional device (as opposed to replacing one) you will be asked if you wish to make the
new device "active". Only one device can be active at a time. The active device will be the one which the app
syncs with, but while another device is not active you can still use the device and if you perform workouts with
it while it is not active, once you switch it to being active the workouts will sync to your Timex Smart account
and will appear in your workout feed.
Switching between Timex Smart devices
If you own multiple Timex Smart devices you can switch between devices without having to unpair and repair.
To do so, via Profile-My Devices select the device you wish to make active and click on "Activate device".
When you do so you will be notified that the presently active device will be stopped and then once you tap OK
the other device will be activated. Note that although workouts performed while a device is not active will sync
when the device is later activated, activity data (steps, distance, calories and sleep) will not. This is to prevent
duplication of data.