The Optical (CD/DVD) Device
The computer's optical device bay contains a CD/DVD type device. It is usually labeled drive D: and may be used as
a boot device if properly set in the BIOS.
CD Emergency Eject
If you need to manually eject a CD/DVD (e.g. due to
an unexpected power interruption) you may push
the end of a straightened paper clip into the emer-
gency eject hole. Do not use a sharpened pencil or
similar object that may break and become lodged in
the hole.
DVD Regional Codes
DVD region detection is device dependent, not OS-
dependent. You can select your module's region
code 5 times. The fifth selection is permanent. This
cannot be altered even if you change your operating
system or you use the module in another computer.
Media Warning
Don't try to remove a CD/DVD while the system is
accessing it. This may cause the system to "crash".
Model B
Model A
The Optical (CD/DVD) Device - 13
Concise User's Guide
Changing DVD Regional
Go to the Control Panel
and double-click System,
Device Manager, then click
the + next to DVD/CD-ROM
drives. Double-click on the
DVD-ROM device to bring
up the Properties menu,
and select the DVD Region
(tab) to bring up the control
panel to allow you to adjust
the regional code.
Figure 4
Optical CD/DVD Device
1. Emergency Eject Hole