Opérations (suite)
Enregistrer (suite)
Operations (continued)
Le récepteur peut prendre en charge jusqu'à 4 stations
Operations (continued)
1. Lorsque vous avez enregistré une station extérieure, l'interface
The Receiver can support up to 4 Outdoor stations.
d'enregistrement s'affiche comme suit :
1.When you have registered one Outdoor station, the register
interface will display as follow:
The Receiver can support up to 4 Outdoor stations.
1.When you have registered one Outdoor station, the register
interface will display as follow:
2.When you have registered 4 Outdoor stations, the register
2. Lorsque vous avez enregistré 4 stations extérieures, l'interface
interface will display as follow:
d'enregistrement s'affiche comme suit :
2.When you have registered 4 Outdoor stations, the register
interface will display as follow:
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