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Electroma'netic 'ields (EMF)

How IPL works

- I' you take the device 'rom a very cold environment to a very warm
environment and vice versa, wait approximately 3 hours be'ore you use
- Do not 'lash a'ainst any other sur'ace than the skin. This can cause
severe dama'e to the attachment and/or the li'ht exit window. Only
'lash when the device is in contact with skin.
- This device is not washable. Never immerse the device in water and do
not rinse it under the tap.
- For hy'ienic reasons, the device should only be used by one person.
- Use the device only at settin's suitable 'or your skin type. Use at hi'her
settin's than those recommended can increase the risk o' skin reactions
and side e''ects.
- Only use the device 'or its intended purpose as shown in the user
- Never use compressed air, scourin' pads, abrasive cleanin' a'ents or
a''ressive liquids such as petrol or acetone to clean the device.
- Always return the device to a service centre authorised by Philips 'or
examination or repair. Repair by unquali'ied people could cause an
extremely hazardous situation 'or the user.
This Philips device complies with all applicable standards and re'ulations
re'ardin' exposure to electroma'netic 'ields.
With IPL technolo'y, 'entle pulses o' li'ht are applied to the skin and
absorbed by the hair root. The darker the hair, the better the pulses o' li'ht
are absorbed.
The pulses o' li'ht stimulate the hair 'ollicle to 'o into a restin' phase. As a
consequence, the hair sheds naturally and hair re'rowth is prevented,
leavin' your skin continuously silky-smooth.


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