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Suitable body hair colors

What to expect

Immediately a'ter the 1st treatment
A'ter 2-3 treatments
A'ter 4-5 treatments
The cycle o' hair 'rowth consists o' di''erent phases. IPL technolo'y is only
e''ective when the hair is in its 'rowin' phase. Not all hairs are in the
'rowin' phase at the same time. This is why we recommend an 8-week
treatment schedule 'ollowed by touch-ups to make sure all hairs are
e''ectively treated in the 'rowin' phase.
Note: Treatment with Lumea is not e''ective i' you have li'ht blond, blond
as li'ht hairs do not absorb enou'h li'ht. Below you can see the hair colors
'or which Lumea is suitable and e''ective.
A'ter the 'irst treatment, it can take 1 to 2 weeks 'or the hairs to 'all out. In the
'irst weeks 'ollowin' the initial treatments, you still see some hairs
'rowin'. These are likely to be hairs that were not in their 'rowin' phase
durin' the 'irst treatments.
A'ter 2-3 treatments, you should see a noticeable reduction in hair 'rowth.
However, to e''ectively treat all hairs, it is important to keep on treatin'
accordin' to the recommended treatment schedule.
A'ter 4-5 treatments, you should see a si'ni'icant reduction o' hair 'rowth in
the areas that you treated with Lumea. A reduction o' hair density should be
visible as well. Keep on treatin' with 'requent touch-ups (every 4-8
weeks) to maintain the result.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières