Sequential fi le numbers are reassigned automatically.
A fi le attribute of created date is set to current time and
date based on HSQ2010 Recorder.
Lock and Unlock Voice File
When you choose to erase all fi les from a folder, Please select Off
to unlock the fi le and allow it to be erased.
• Press and hold STOP/DEL button while the recorder is stopped
to select the desired folder.
• Press the
displayed ProTec.
• Press the
• Press the
fi le and OFF for unlocking.
• Press the
File Protect is set to ON and locks the fi le and prevents it
from beeing erased.
Unlock File is set to OFF and unlocks the fi le and allows it
to be erased
Each fi le should be set to OFF if you want to erase a folder
or all folders. The protected fi le won't be erased before set-
ting OFF due to locking fi le
Format the HSQ2010 voice recorder, it erases all fi les on
HSQ2010 voice recorder even though fi les are locked.
Before formatting, please save the voice fi les on each fold-
ers in your PC using USB.
button to select the menu until protected is
button to enter lock fi le menu and OFF is dis-
button to select the ON for locking voice
button to confi rm
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Additional Features