With the help of the Velda NO
quickly and quite accurately. Both for garden ponds and for aquaria it is important to have an insight
into the nitrate content of the water. Nitrate is the last phase in the nitrification process. With the
help of micro-organisms organic components are converted through ammonia and nitrite in nitrate.
Nitrate is a primary nutrient, which is absorbed by plants and algae.
In a duly functioning water environment (aquaria and garden ponds) the nitrate content will be
low (less than 25 mg/l). Owing to certain factors, however, the nitrate content may increase.
That will certainly be the case if plant growth is stagnating or if there are many fish in proportion to
the quantity of water. If, under these circumstances also a large amount of organic compo-
nents are present in the environment, the nitrate level will very quickly exceed admissible levels.
Although nitrate is not as poisonous as nitrite,
regular inspection of its level is desirable.
0 - 12,5 mg/l Normal values for a healthy water environment.
25 mg/l The plants are not able to fully absorb the nitrate present.
This situation may result in algal growth. Add more water
plants and remove any died off and organic components.
Regular inspection is desirable.
62,5-125 mg/l Absolutely take measures. Remove dirt on the bottom and
refresh part of the water.
Rinse the graduated beakers well and fill them with 5 ml of water to be tested. To one graduated
beaker add one spatula of reacting powder no 1. Shake well during 15 seconds. Subsequently add
5 drops of NO
test liquid no 2, followed by 5 drops of NO
with the cap and shake well. Take the cap off the graduated beaker. Shift the colour chart in the
comparator and place the graduated beakers in the holes that are destined for them. Place the
beaker containing the test liquid in the innermost opening of the comparator. Wait for 4 minutes.
Now turn the colour chart until both beakers are showing the same colour when looking from above.
The similar colour indicates the nitrate content in mg/l. After use rinse the graduated beakers well.
The speed at which any discolouration will develop, depends on temperature. W ait for at least 5
minutes with the judgement of water having a temperature below 20 ºC. This test practically has an
unlimited shelf life, provided that it is kept cool and dark. Keep away form children.
Test the nitrate content of fresh and salt water can be determined
no 3. Now close the graduated beaker