With the help of the Velda pH Test the acidity of both fresh and salt water can be determined, rang-
ing between pH 5 and pH 10, up to 0.5 pH accurately. This makes the Velda pH test one of the most
accurate that are to be had. The pH value of a liquid can vary between pH 0 and 14. Values ranging
below pH 7 indicate an acid environment, pH 7 is referred to as neutral and values ex
ceeding this level are referred to as an alkaline environment. Both for garden ponds and
for aquaria it is impor-tant to have an insight into the acidity of water.
The pH value of garden pond water may vary from pH 7.0 to pH 8.5. Values below pH 6.5
are tolerated with difficulty by Koi and different kinds of pond fish, whereas a value exceed-
ing pH 8.5 has a stagnating influence on plant growth. For optimum growth and a proper
development of leaves, water plants need sufficient CO
is bound and consequently not freely available for plant growth. pH Min of Velda
allows to decrease the pH value.
For aquarium fish values below pH 6 and above pH 8 generally are lethal. The ideal pH value de-
pends on the kinds of fish that are kept. Aquarium literature gives decisive answers on the subject.
For aquarium plants things are different. For optimum growth aquarium plants need CO
pH value the available quantity of CO
the pH value contributes in giving an indication about the quantity of CO
and maintain luxuriant vegetation it is therefore important to take care that in the morning the pH
value does not exceed pH 7 and in the evening it is not beyond pH 8.
Rinse the graduated beakers well and fill them with 5 ml of water to be tested. To one graduated
beaker add while shaking slightly 5 drops of pH test liquid. Now close the graduated beaker with
the cap and shake well. Take the cap off the graduated beaker. Shift the colour chart in the com-
parator and place the graduated beakers in the holes that are destined for them. Place the beaker
containing the test liquid in the innermost opening of the comparator. Now turn the colour chart
until both beakers are showing the same colour when looking from above. The similar colour in-
dicates the pH value of the water. After use rinse the graduated beakers well.
By measuring the pH value of the water in the morning and in the evening, one can get an insight
into the biological functioning of the aquarium or pond environment. As the difference is greater (in
the morning a lower pH level than in the evening) the biological functioning of the environment will
be better. This test practically has an unlimited shelf life, provided that it is kept cool and dark. Keep
away form children.
. If the pH value is too high, the
in the aquarium water is larger than at a high pH level. So,
. At a low
in the water. To obtain