Positioning the topcat-trap
To fi nd the vole burrow, stick the searching rod
10 – 15 cm deep into the ground every 5 cm start-
ing by a fresh mound until a cavity is detected.
Enlarge the hole with the rod and insert a fi nger
to determine the direction of the tunnel. Avoid
crushing tunnel with foot.
Cut a clean hole through the tunnel by turning
the ground cutter into the ground until the base
is around 3 – 4 cm below the tunnel fl oor. Press
gently so that the tunnel does not cave in. Pull the
ground cutter with the clump of earth carefully
out of the hole. Press loose earth down with the
knob of the searching rod so that it does not block
the tunnel.
Position the trap into the hole. The passage
through the trap should correspond with the
height and direction of the tunnel. Cover the
surface of the trap with earth so that neither light
nor air penetrates into the tunnel. Make sure the
clamping lever has enough free space. Set the
topcat-trap and mark the spot clearly.
Once the release mechanism has been triggered,
gently push the trap back and forth to enlarge
the hole and carefully remove the trap. Dispose
of the dead animal and replace the empty trap
in the same hole. Repeat this procedure for as
long as voles are trapped or the trap is being
fi lled with earth. Then remove the trap and leave
a marker in the open hole. If no signs of digging
are detected within two hours, there are no voles
left in the burrow.