Why Test pH?
pH is the measure of acidity of water. A pH reading of
7.0 is neutral. A pH higher than 7.0 is alkaline, and a pH
lower than 7.0 is acidic. Marine fish and invertebrates
require a pH between 8.2 and 8.4. Maintaining the
aquarium at the proper pH ensures optimal water
Testing Tips
This test kit measures pH from 7.4 to 8.8 in saltwater
aquariums. Artificial salt water should have a pH of 8.2
to 8.4.
Directions for Testing pH
Read thoroughly before testing.
Do not allow test solution to get into aquarium.
1. Rinse a clean test tube with the water to be tested.
2. Fill the test tube to the 5 ml line with the water to
be tested.
3. Add 5 drops of pH Test Solution, holding dropper
bottle upside down in a completely vertical position
to assure uniformity of drops.
4. Cap the test tube and invert tube several times to
mix solution. Do not hold finger over open end of
tube, as this may affect the test results.
5. Determine the pH reading by matching the color of
the solution against those on the High Range pH
Color Chart. The tube should be viewed against the
white area beside the color chart.
Color comparisons are best made in a well-lit
area. The closest match indicates the pH of the
water sample.
Rinse the test tube with clean water after each use.
Recommended pH Levels
A pH of 8.2 - 8.4 is ideal for saltwater fish and
invertebrates. To automatically set the pH at 8.2 - 8.4,
Frequency of Testing
The pH should be tested weekly, since natural materials
in the aquarium (such as fish waste and uneaten food)
can cause pH changes. The minimum pH reading for
this kit is 7.4 and the maximum is 8.8. Under extreme
water conditions, readings below the minimum will
read 7.4 and above the maximum will read 8.8. pH
adjustments outside the range of this kit will not show
any changes until the pH of the aquarium water is
within the range of this kit.
Pourquoi analyser le niveau de pH?
Le pH est la mesure du degré de l'acidité de l'eau. Un
pH de 7,0 est neutre, un pH supérieur à 7,0 est alcalin
et un pH inférieur à 7,0 est acide. Les poissons marins
ainsi que les invertébrés préfèrent, quant à eux, un pH
se situant entre (8,2 et 8,4). Le maintien d'un niveau
de pH adéquat assure une qualité optimale de l'eau de
Conseils pour l'analyse de l'eau
Cette trousse d'analyse permet de mesurer des niveaux
de pH allant de (7,4 à 8,8) dans les aquariums d'eau de
mer. Le pH des eaux d'aquarium traitées au sel artificiel
doit se maintenir de (8,2 à 8,4).