Displaying the release timing (Shoot. Timing Disp.)
Sets the method for displaying the shutter release timing on the screen
during blackout-free shooting.
desired setting.
On: Type 1/On: Type 2: Displays a frame around the focusing frame.
On: Type 3/On: Type 4: Displays in the four corners of the screen.
Off: Does not display the shutter release timing during blackout-free
[On: Type 1]/[On: Type 2] (Example)
Shoot. Start Disp.
Sets whether to let the screen black out when shooting the first image
during blackout-free shooting.
desired setting.
On: The screen blacks out when shooting the first image during blackout-
free shooting.
Off: The screen does not black out when shooting the first image during
blackout-free shooting.
(Camera Settings 2) [Shoot. Timing Disp.]
(Camera Settings 2) [Shoot. Start Disp.]
[On: Type 3]/[On: Type 4]