ChemFree Corporation recommends that the
SmartWasher be inspected and cleaned annually.
To Perform this Maintenance:
Remove the sink from the base. Inspect the surface of the
cleaning fluid and skim to remove any biomass or debris.
Pump the system fluid into acceptable storage containers
until oil which may be floating on the surface of the
OzzyJuice starts coming out of the pump. Shut the pump
off and manually remove the remainder of the fluid to be
disposed of with other oil waste. Rinse the inside of the
machine with water. Rinse the pump thoroughly with water
being careful not to get the control box wet. Visually check
the condition of the hoses, connectors, etc. If everything
appears to be in good working condition, reassemble the
SmartWasher, replace the OzzyMat with a new one, and
pour the original fluid back into the unit. If the "Add Fluid"
light comes on, add a full container of new OzzyJuice. If
the "Add Fluid" light is still on, add another container of
ChemFree Technical Support • 1-800-521-7182
Inadequate Cleaning of Parts
The SmartWasher will continue to clean parts even when
the fluid color has darkened and the OzzyMat is soiled. If,
however, a dramatic change in cleaning performance is
noticed, it is recommended that the old fluid be replaced
with fresh OzzyJuice and that the OzzyMat be replaced. If
the cleaning performance continues to remain
unacceptable, call ChemFree Technical Support.
Cold Fluid
The thermostat is factory-set to maintain the fluid at 105°
F (+-5°) (40° C) (+-3°). IF THE SMARTWASHER IS LOW
Check to see if the "Add Fluid" indicator is lit (there should
be approximately 8 inches of fluid in the machine). If the
"Add Fluid" light is lit, add a full container of OzzyJuice
(the light should go out). Allow a reasonable warm up
period and recheck. If the fluid is still cold refer to
Troubleshooting Guide on page 5.
Hot Fluid
If the fluid becomes extremely hot at any time, unplug the
unit immediately. Check to make sure the unit is not low
on fluid. (If the "Add Fluid" light is not lit and fluid is low,
the probe may be defective). If unit is low on fluid, add
fluid. If unit is still too hot refer to Troubleshooting Guide
on page 5.
Excessive Fluid Loss
If you are adding five gallons of OzzyJuice to the
SmartWasher more than once a month, check for the
1. A leak in the base of the unit.
2. Excessive amount of fluid being left on parts after they
have been washed. Shake excess fluid into sink before
walking away.
3. A gap between base and sink — check gasket, you
may need a new one. Also check for warpage of the
sink or base.
4. Rags being used in the SmartWasher. A shop rag
absorbs at least 4 oz. of fluid.