1. Cutting a groove on the table insert.
Table Insert
Fig. 9
2. Checking the sa w blade lo w er limit position
To prevent an accident or personal injury, always turn off the trigger switch and
disconnect the power plug from the receptacle before adjustment.
Fig. 10
3. O blique angle
Before the po w er tool is shipped fro m the factory, it is adjusted for 0°, right angle, left 45° bevel cutting
angle and right 45° bevel cutting angle with the 6 m m bolt (A), 6 m m bolt (B) and the 5 m m hex. soc. hd. cap
bolt (C) (see Fig. 7).
W hen changing the adjustm ent, change the height of the 6 m m bolt (A), 6 m m bolt (B) or the 5 m m hex. soc.
hd. cap bolt (C) (see Fig. 7) by turning the m.
(M axim u m bevel cutting angle is 45°).
W hen changing the bevel angle to the right 45°, pull up the locating bar on the direction sho w n in Fig. 12
and incline the m otor head to the right.
W hen adjusting the m otor head to 0°, alw ays return the locating bar to its initial position.
Bevel A ngle
Check that the sa w blade can be lo w ered 1-1/32" to 1-3/32" (26 m m to
28 m m) belo w the table insert.
6 m m Depth
If necessary, adjust as follo ws:
A djustm ent
Scre w
(1) Loosen the 6 m m lock nut on the 6 m m depth adjustm ent scre w.
6 m m Lock
(2) Turn the 6 m m depth adjustm ent screw as necessary to set the lo wer
N ut
li m it p ositio n. T h e sa w bla d e g o es u p w h e n th e 6 m m d e pth
adjustm ent scre w is turned clockwise and do w n w hen it is turned
(3) O nce the adjustm ent is co m plete, fully tighten the 6 m m lock nut.
Before tightening the 6 mm lock nut, confirm that the saw
blade is adjusted so that it will not cut into the table.
Cla m p Lever
6 m m Bolt (A)
(Stopper for right 45° bevel angle)
Fig. 11
A groove has to be cut in the table insert, before starting
operation. Secure a piece of w ood about 5-1/8" (130 m m)
wide to the table with the vise asse m bly, to prevent the
breakage of the table insert.
After the switch has been turned on and the sa w blade has
reached m axim u m speed, slo wly lo w er the handle to cut a
groove on the table insert.
Do not cut the groove too quickly;
otherwise the table insert might become
Cla m p
U p
5 m m Hex. soc. hd. cap bolt (C)
(Stopper for 0°)
6 m m Bolt (B)
(Stopper for left 45°
bevel angle)
Fig. 12