1. M ake sure the po w er source is appropriate for the tool.
2. M ake sure the trigger switch is turned O FF.
3. Check the sa w blade for visible defects.
Confirm that the sa w blade is free of cracks or other visible da m age.
4. Confirm that the sa w blade is attached securely to the po w er tool.
Using the supplied wrench, tighten the bolt on the arbor shaft to secure the saw blade. For details, see Fig.
36-a, Fig. 36-b and Fig. 36-c in the section on " SAW BLADE M O U NTIN G A ND DISM O U NTIN G ".
5. Check the blade guards for proper operation.
Blade G uard
(M etal)
Fig. 8
6. Confirm the position of the spindle lock before using the tool.
After installing the sa w blade, confirm that the spindle lock has been returned to the retract position
before using the po w er tool (see Fig. 36-a).
7. Check the lo w er limit position of the Sa w Blade.
Although it w as adjusted before ship m ent, carefully check the height of the sa w blade. Confirm that the
sa w blade can be lo w ered 1-1/32" to 1-3/32" (26 m m to 28 m m) belo w the table insert. For details, see
the section on " Checking the sa w blade lo w er limit position ".
8. Check the Po w er Receptacle.
To prevent overheating, accidental stopping or intermittent operation, confirm that the po w er cord
plug fits properly in the electrical receptacle and does not fall out after it is inserted. Repair or replace
the receptacle if it is faulty.
9. Confirm the tool's po w er cord is not da m aged.
Repair or replace the po w er cord if an inspection indicates that it is da m aged.
10. Trial Run
After confirming that no one is standing behind, the po w er tool start and confirm that no operating
abnorm alities exist before atte m pting a cutting operation.
11. Inspect the rotating stability of the sa w blade.
For precise cutting, rotate the saw blade and check for deflection to confirm that the blade is not noticeably
unstable; otherwise vibrations might occur and cause an accident.
Never connect the power tool unless the available AC power source is of the same
voltage as that specified on the nameplate of the tool.
Never connect this power tool to a DC power source.
If the power cord is connected to the power source with the trigger switch turned
ON the power tool will start suddenly and can cause a serious accident.
Blade guards are designed to protect the operator fro m co ming
into contact with the sa w blade during operation of the tool.
Alw ays check that the blade guard (plastic) m oves sm oothly and
covers the sa w blade properly.
Blade G uard
Never operate the power tool if the blade guard (plastic) does not function smoothly.