M a i n t e n a n c e
D i s m a n t l i n g 0 7 5 3 5 - 0 2 5 0 0 M k I I
Manually flip the Clip 46 up and remove the End Cap 38.
Using an Allen Key*, remove one Screw 43 and Washer 44 ensuring that any trapped air in the tail jaw cylinder is exhausted.
Remove the second Screw 43 and Washer 44.
Pull out Rear Plug 45.
Extract air tail jaw components, comprising Tail Jaw Piston Assembly 14, Spring 13, Jaws 9 and Jaw Housing 8.
Remove plug at rear of piston assembly using an Allen Key* and a bar through the large slot in the turret.
Clean out turret using a 4.7mm (
Remove piston seal 'O' Ring 10.
Using an Allen Key*, remove all five handle moulding securing Screws 34, 39 and Nuts 33 from the tool handle.
Grip Barrel 25 in a vice using soft jaws to avoid damage.
Using a box spanner*, unscrew Barrel Plug 7, preventing Barrel 25 turning by using an open ended spanner*.
Disconnect Air Tail Jaw Concertina Tube 12 from Switch Block 28 and pull Tail Jaw Cylinder 6 from tool.
Remove 'O' Ring 4, Rubbing Strip 15 and Barrel Return Spring 16.
Free length of Spring 13 should be 38.1mm (1.5"). Replace if necessary.
Coat the tail jaws with Moly Lithium grease before assembling.
Assemble in reverse order of dismantling.
Remove Tail Jaw Cylinder 6 as described earlier.
Grip Body 19 in vice using soft jaws to avoid damage, undo Stroke Limiter 17.
Grip Barrel 25 in soft jaw vice, pull Body 19 from Barrel 25 (a small quantity of hydraulic oil will be ejected from inside body).
Remove Piston 18 carefully so as not to damage body bore.
Remove Seal 3.
Seal 1 is difficult to remove without damaging, but can remain in place during cleaning (provided it is not affected by cleaning
process). If however, Seal 1 requires renewing proceed as follows:
Using spatula*, prise out Seal 1 from Body 19, taking care not to damage body cavity and bores. The removed Seal 1 MUST be
To replace Seal 1, unscrew Hydraulic Connector 49 to bring inside face level with internal bore.
Unscrew existing bleed plug until inside face is level with internal bore. This will provide a smooth passage for insertion of new Seal
1 through rear of body.
Ensure the seal is well greased and the correct way round with the open end of the seal facing the rear tail jaws.
Complete assembly in reverse order of dismantling.
The unit is designed so that minimum of servicing is required during the life of the tool.
If it is necessary to dismantle valve, proceed as follows:
Disconnect air hose from assembly, taking care not to damage them. Remove assembly.
Using an Allen Key*, loosen Screw 27 clamping assembly to Barrel 25 and remove assembly.
Using a screwdriver*, carefully remove the Chrome Star-lock Washer 26 from Air Tail Jaw Spool 29 and discard washer.
Extract Air Tail Jaw Spool 29 from Switch Block 28.
Taking care not to damage the Air Tail Jaw Spool 29, remove the 'O' Rings 31.
Clean spool and refit new 'O' Rings 31 using assembly bullet* and insert into Switch Block 28, noting its orientation.
Fit New Chrome Star-lock Washer 26 by clamping in vice using soft jaws vice to prevent damage. DO NOT USE UNDUE FORCE.
Complete assembly in reverse order of dismantling.
Clean and inspect mouldings for cracks or other damage.
Clean and oil Mechanical Cursor Assembly 5 occasionally with a little light oil.
Priming is ALWAYS necessary after the tool has been dismantled and prior to operating.
* Refers to items included in the 0753 Mkll service kit. For complete list see page 23.
Item numbers in bold refer to the general assemblies and parts lists on pages 26-27.
") drill and replace plug using a non-hardening sealing compound, e.g. Loctite Multi-gasket
Check the tool against daily and weekly servicing.