Thank you for choosing a general gasoline engine by our company.
Based on the latest engine technology at home and abroad, our Co., has individually developed general gasoline
engine with 4 -stroke single cylinder, OHV with f orced-air cooling. The horizontal engine i s characterized by
advanced design, compact structure, reliable performance, convenient service, low fuel consumption and easy speed
adjustment. As idea vertical power it is designed to fit onto many machines such as lawn mower, planter, etc. The
vital p art bodies i ncluding c ylinder head, crankcase, e tc. are all cast formed with a luminum alloy. Laser-scanning
technology, 3D shaping technology ad CN program processing technology used in the mould production production
upgrade the engine surface and manufacturing a ccuracy obviously . A pplying auto-press r educing system and
centrifugal fly hammer regulating system assure that a ssemblies equipped w ith the engine function s moothly and
reliably as well as the engine start easily.
The manual gives information with respect to operation and maintenance of the general gasoline engine, and be
sure to read it carefully first before operating. All the materials and diagrams of this manual are in accordance with
the newest products at the publishing time. Due to revision and other change, the information descried in this manual
may be a little d ifferent from the actual status. T he c opyright o f this manual b elongs t o our Co,. any g roup o r
individual is forbidden to reprint or copy any it. The manual is subject to change without notice.
Please pay special attention to statements preceded by the following words.
A warning is used to alert the user to face that hazardous operating and maintenance procedures may result in
injury to or death of personnel if not strictly observed.
A c aution i s used t o alert the user to fact t hat hazardous o perating a nd m aintenance p rocedures m ay r esult in
damage to or destruction of equipment if not strictly observed.
A note is used to give helpful information.