Activation de l'application – Code d'activation et Accord de confidentialité
Sur l'écran d'activation suivant, pour activer l'application, vous pouvez scanner
directement le code QR d'activation ou choisir Manual input (Saisie manuelle) et
saisir le code d'activation.
Scan QR code
Mainland China
Scannez le code QR ou appuyez sur Manual
input (Saisie manuelle).
Input ac tivation code
5. Veuillez appuyer sur Allow (Autoriser) sur
l'écran suivant d'accès à l'emplacement
après l'activation.
Access this device's location
Intelligent AC requires access to following
permission: Your location. Allow?
Configure permissions from Phone Manager
Permissions manager.
Never ask again after denying permission
6. Les écrans Welcome (Bienvenue) et Privacy
Agreement (Accord de confidentialité)
apparaîtront, veuillez vérifier attentivement la
convention de confidentialité et appuyer sur Agree.
Manual input
Code QR d'activation et code d'activation
Remarque : sans le code QR ou le code
d'activation, vous ne pouvez
pas activer l'application ni
l'utiliser ; veuillez les garder
en lieu sûr.
Privacy Agreement
This App respects and protects personal privacy
for all users. This App will use and disclose your
personal information according to the regulations
specified in this privacy policy for provision of more
accurate and personalized service for you.
However, this App will treat these information with
highest prudence and attentions. This App will not
disclose these information to public or third parties
without your prior permission, unless otherwise
specified This privacy policy might be timely
updated for this App.Your consent to this App s
service agreement will be considered that you fully
agreed to all contents in this privacy policy. This
privacy policy is an inseparable part of this App
service agreement.
1. Scope:
(a). This App automatically receives and records
your browser and phone information when you use
the network service provided by this App or access
web pages in this App, including but not limited to
your IP address, browser type, language, date and
time, OS and hardware information and web page
requests information, etc.;
(b). User s personal data legally collected from
business partners;You understand and agree the
following information are not applicable for this
privacy policy:
(c). Keywords input for searching service provided
by this platform;
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