7. Exemples of architectures
Mirror Mode
7.1.1 Operation
The Mirror mode consists in concentrating N ARF50 RF slaves on one ARF50 master
In order to expand the number of I/Os of the master ARF50, it is possible to chain ARF50 I/O expansions to it.
The number of RF slaves is between 1 and 16, the number d'I/O expansions is between 1 and 15.
The inputs are repeated to form a mirror through the radio link.
7.1.2 I/O allocation
Definition: a channel is a combination of one input and one output (for example, digital input 1 and digital output 1
forming digital channel 1).
: digitale channel 1
: Analog channel 1
« Peer to Peer » mode
7.2.1 Operation
Cyclic interrogation. The network master interrogates the RF slaves cyclically, inviting them to use the word to relay
the change of state information. Report on one master from 1 to 16 RF slaves.
In order to expand the number of I/Os of the master, it is possible to chain 1 to 15 ARF50 I/O expansions with it.
The "channels" are crossed in groups of 4 pairs of ARF50s, (matrix inversion).
7.2.2 I/O allocation
See above, § 7.1. "Mirror mode"
: digitale channel 2
: digitale channel 3
: Analog channel 2
: digitale channel 4