note: The device is equipped with 3 DAB bands for storing stations.
The favourite station list in band DAB3 is overwritten by starting the Auto Store function and a
station from each station group is saved in the favourite list.
other seArch functions
All service:
calls up the stations from all station lists with exception of the favourite list
calls up the stations from the favourite list according to sequential numbering
calls up the stations from the running station group
manual search. The reception frequency is changed gradually with the manual
search and the channel received is displayed. Press the I<< or >>I button to
search down or up.
In order to search for the next station, keep the I<< or >>I button pressed for 2
seconds. If you want to stop the search process, press one of the buttons of the
radio menu or keep the button I<< or >>I pressed again for 2 seconds.
note: The DAB receiver stops the search process as soon as a station has been
found in good reception quality and then plays it back.
DisPlAY the stAtion lists With DisPlAY of the stAtion grouP
Press the menu point "Station list" and then the
Now view the station groups here: DR Deutschland (nation wide programmes in Germany) / Radio
for NRW (regional programmes). Select a group from the view of the station names of this group
by pressing on the icon for the station groups, "1st DR Deutschland" here.