GLIDE-TEC – Mechanism
1. Better working
GLIDETEC keeps you moving –
and at the same time allows you
to work comfortably in every sit
ting position. It doesn't matter if
you lean back or sit upright, your
hands remain in contact with the
writing surface or keyboard in
every position.
Intelligent seating comfort world-wide patented by Grammer Office!
2. Better sitting
Your back needs movement –
even during sitting. Because
a healthy and strong spinal
column is aided by a frequent
change between a bent and
a straight back.
3. Better relaxing
With GLIDETEC you remain
fresh – even at the end of
a long sedentary working day.
It doesn't matter which sitting
position you use, our innova
tive seat technology prevents
tension, the neck is not over
stretched and always stays re
laxed – and your head clear.