Glossary of Terms
Removal of body parts,
particularly the arms or legs.
Anticoagulant therapy
Drug treatment that thins the
blood to prevent clot formation.
Hardening of the blood vessels
caused by the deposit of a fatty
substance in the center of the
blood vessels slowing down the
blood flow.
Cirrhosis of the liver
Hardening of the liver due to
toxic substances or a viral or
bacterial infection.
Something that prevents
A common condition where you
are unable to digest sugars and
starches, and which affects the
blood glucose levels.
Fibrosis of the penis
The formation of hard areas in the
shaft of the penis, which may be
caused by repeated injections.
A serious condition that causes
death of the body tissue.
Bleeding under the skin causing
swelling and very severe bruising.
Excessive bleeding.
Impotence due to medication
Side effects of some
common drugs used to treat
other conditions can cause
impotence (i.e. beta blockers,
The desire to have sexual
Manual dexterity
The range of movement in the arm,
hand and fingers.
Multiple Sclerosis
A serious neurological condition
which also affects the nerve
pathways to the penis.
Partial erection
When the erection is not full and
firm enough for vaginal penetration.
Pelvic trauma
Injury to the (pelvic area) lower
part of the body.
Penile implants
Special rods implanted into the
penis to create an artificial erection.
Penile tumescence
Enlargement of the penis due
to the inflow of blood.
Peyronies disease
A bend or deviation in the shaft
of the penis so that the penis is
not straight, caused by a hardening
of the penile tunica sheath.
A prolonged state of erection from
which it is difficult to return the
penis to the non erect state.
An artificial substitute for a
missing part.
To flow backwards.
Sickle cell disease
A disease affecting the red blood
cells which makes them very fragile
and liable to damage. This can
cause excessive bruising.
Spinal cord injuries
Injury to the spine often causing
Urethral stricture
A narrowing of or blocking of
part of the passage between
the bladder and the outside of
the body.
Vascular disorders
Medical conditions affecting the
blood vessels.
Venous leakage
Leaking of blood from the veins.
This warranty is offered to you as a purchaser ("you") by the
Owen Mumford entity whose details are set out on the relevant device
packaging ("we" or "us"). You cannot transfer this warranty to anyone
else. This warranty is in addition to, and does not affect, your rights as
a consumer or purchaser under the laws of your country.
This warranty applies for twelve months from the date of purchase
(the "warranty period").
If the device is or becomes materially defective during the warranty
period, please notify us providing details of the defect and we will provide
you with a replacement device. Subject to the laws of your country, we
shall have no further liability to you after we have provided you with a
replacement device.
When you contact us, we may ask you for details of the batch number
or other form of identification of the device in order for us to further
investigate the defect. We may also ask you to return the device and any
provision of a replacement device is subject to us receiving the defective
device from you.
Owen Mumford Inc.
1755 West Oak Commons Court, Marietta, Georgia 30062, USA
T : +1 800-421-6936 F : +1 770-977-2866
E :
This warranty will not apply to defects which are attributable to:
fair wear and tear;
handling, storage or use of the device other than in accordance with
our instructions, or improper handling, storage or use of the device; or
damage or breakage caused by accident or by external causes beyond
our control.