P r o b l e m
Kein Öl auf der Kette
Rear wheel dirty
Oil drips when the igni-
tion is switched off
red LED does not light up
or goes out while driving
red LED flickers
red LED lights up conti-
nuously and cannot be
Dosing valve does not
Equipment that is no longer usable should not be dismantled as a whole unit, but in indi-
vidual parts and recycled according to the type of material. Components that cannot be
recycled must be disposed of in a manner appropriate to the species.
p o s s i b l e
c a u s e s
- Tank empty
- Nozzle clogged
- Oil line kinked
- nozzle position adjusted
- electrical connections not correct-
ly connected
- Rain mode was forgotten
- Dosage incorrectly set
- Nozzle position
- switched line was connected to
continuous positive
- Hose damaged
- Wiring error
- bad contact current branch
Rain switch cable laid too close to
parts of the ignition system
- insufficient voltage on switched
positive line
- Fuse defective
- Plug connection /
Pins faulty
M e a s u r e s
→ Fill up oil
→ Clean nozzle
→ Check oil line
→ Check nozzle
→ Check connections
→ Install rain switch in visible area
→ Reduce dosage
→ Check nozzle position
→ Connect cable (black/white) to
switched plus
→ Check hose
→ Check cabling
→ Contact Check current feeder
→ Laying new cables
→ Check 12 V voltage on the swit-
ched positive line (black/white)
→ Check fuse/ fuse holder
→ Check plug connection