Troubleshooting Q&A; Babboe-E Cargo Bike System - Babboe GWA System Manuel D'utilisation

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8.1 Babboe-E cargo bike system

1. Does the walk-assist function
Pedal assist does
not work.
2. Are both the pedal-assist and
the walk-assist functions not
1. Battery capacity value
1. Connect the charger, ibo-COP2, and battery pack according to the order
is not displayed on the
described in this manual. Some features will not be activated if these parts
display unit
are not connected in the right order. If the COP2 shows an error, after running
through the COP process, then the result will be displayed via the error LED and
2. Battery capacity reaches
battery capacity LEDs. Check the meaning of the error code in this manual.
0 very quickly even after
been fully charged
2. Use the ibo-COP2 to run the calibration process. By pressing the
"CAL Push Button" on the front panel for 5 seconds, the calibration process
3. Battery capacity is 0
will be initiated.
after been fully charged
For older batteries it is possible that the battery capacity drops quickly from
(for example) 40% to 0%. The battery might not be updated if you never
depleted the battery and charged it from 0% to full. In the long term, the
While cycling, the battery
battery capacity indication on the display will lose its precise. Therefore,
capacity drops quickly but
whenever encounter this event and not error code is visualized, first make
neither the display not the
sure that the battery capacity value is updated. It can be done by discharging
COP2 detects an error.
the battery to the bottom and then start the calibration process to check the
health index of the battery pack. If the battery is not grade C or below, the
battery is aged. Please call your dealer to buy new battery.
1. - Check the step sensor plug (plug
1, see page 73) as follows: remove
the battery. Disconnect the plug by
untwisting the two steel rings. Blow out
the plug and connect plugs again with
the arrows facing each other. Twist the
steel rings back together again. Replace
the battery in its original position.
- Check the magnetic disk and magnetic
sensor for any dirt.
- Ensure that the distance between the
magnetic sensor and magnetic disk does
not exceed 1 cm.
2. Check the motor plug (plug 2, see
page 73) in the same way as described
above for plug 1.
Check the display connection, error code 8 does not exist in this system.
Unusual error codes may appear when the display and controller are not
properly connected. This is done by checking the plug. Remove the battery.
Error code 8 is shown and
Disconnect the plug 3 (see page 73) by untwisting the two steel rings from each
lights are flashing.
other. Blow out the plug and connect the plugs again with the arrows facing
each other. Twist the steel rings against each other again and place the battery
back in its original position.
Error code 9 indicates that something is wrong with the connection between
the controller, the display, and the speed sensor. First, a possible error in the
speed sensor should be resolved. Switch off the system and disconnect the
What should I do when
speed sensor from the controller (plug 1, see page 73). Turn the system on and
given error code 9?
press the walk-assist button to see if the walk-assist function still works. If so,
there is a problem with the speed sensor. Replace the old sensor with a new
one and then check if the whole system works properly from level 1 to 8.
Error code 5 is a communication error between the controller and the display
and is usually caused by a problem with the plug connection between the
motor and the controller. Check plug 2 (see page 73). Remove the battery,
What should I do when
disconnect plug 2 by untwisting the two steel rings from each other. Blow out
given error code 5?
the plug and connect plugs again with the arrows facing each other. Twist
the steel rings back together again and place the battery back in its original
The motor suddenly stops
when the battery is full or
Check the battery capacity with the COP2 and compare it to what is shown
half full, the display turns
on the display. If both indicate the same value, try the walk-assist function to
off completely, and assist
check the step sensor. Turn the system off, disconnect the step sensor with
does not work either. No
plug 1 (see page 73), turn the system back on, and try the walk-assist function.
error code is shown.
If this function works properly, the problem may be in a loose plug. If all plugs
Prior to this, the system
are well fastened, the step sensor may be defective. There is no error code for a
briefly showed error
broken step sensor, but there one for an incorrect step sensor indication.
code 9.
The battery capacity
indication on the COP2
Go through the calibration procedure.
and the display are not

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Produits Connexes pour Babboe GWA System

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