I inserted the TPL-302E CD-ROM into my computer's CD-ROM Drive and the
installation menu does not appear automatically. What should I do?
If the installation menu does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run,
and type D:\Autorun.exe where "D" in "D:\Autorun.exe" is the letter assigned to
your computer's CD-ROM Drive. And then click OK to start the installation.
I have verified that my Powerline device is connected to my workstation, but I
cannot detect other Powerline devices. What should I do?
First, verify that you are using Cat 5 Ethernet cables. Second, open up the
Powerline AVUtility and click scan. Third, plug the remote device near the local
device. Press on the quick setup button on the front of the local device and
remote device for 10 seconds to reset the device. Then press on the quick setup
button on the local device for 3 seconds. Then press on the quick setup button on
the remote device for 3 seconds. Fourth, verify that the power outlet the TPL-302E
is plugged into is on the same electrical power distribution and/or circuit breaker
I can detect my Powerline devices on my Powerline network, but I cannot
connect to the Internet. What should I do?
First, make sure you are not connecting the device into a power strip or surge
protector. Second, make sure that your Router is connected to the internet. Third,
verify that the TCP/IP settings are set to Obtain an IP address automatically.
1. Go into the Control Panel and double-click the
Network Connections icon, and then right-click the
Local Area Connection icon and then click
2. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click
Properties. Click on Obtain an IP automatically and
then click OK.