Taifun Vireo
Operation manual
• Do not use an ultrasonic bath for cleaning
• Do not use a microwave and no hairdryer to dry
• Use only water for rinsing
• Do NOT use solvents such as alcohol, spirits, etc. and cleaning fluids
Why the effort?
It is important that the liquid between the magnets inside of the button is
completely evaporated at moderate temperatures! The „actuating slot"
is only 0.1mm in size and the gaseous water molecules need TIME to
evaporate through this slot without condensing on the steel again. That
needs much longer than the water needs to enter. Water is „thin" and
„fast"! The longer you dry the device at 40-60°C and push the button
in between, the better. The circuit board may be dry already after 20
minutes, but not the interior of the button (between the magnets). The
magnets (gold-plated) and the stainless steel button won't corrode, if
water is left inside. But – depending on the cleaning success – residues
(resins, lime, salts) could remain and make the button get stuck. Also, a
later escape of liquid in connection with malfunction is possible!
Most important:
Damages that are caused by fluid are NOT covered by the warranty!
Rinse neither prophylactically, nor weekly. Only the outer layers of our
PCB are protected against corrosion by a gold layer. The component
terminals and the inner copper layers are not. The destruction of the
inner layers of the PCB by corrosion occurred by regular flooding with
water is possible.
Due to the consistent development of our battery carrier for maxi-
mum efficiency and therefore lowest voltage drop (no ground-spring,
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