Regolazione di Zero: Nella parte destra del pannello frontale, è posta la manopola di regolazione dello zero.
La regolazione di zero va fatta, se necessario, dopo circa 1 minuto dall'accensione in aria pulita per adattare il sen-
sore alle condizioni ambientali e garantire un'elevata e costante sensibilità al gas. La manopola va regolata, in mo-
do che rimanga sempre acceso il solo Led Verde "ON" con un BIP ogni secondo circa.
Batterie: Quando le batterie sono scariche il Led Verde "ON" inizia a lampeggiare.
Guasti: Il Led Giallo"FAULT"
si illumina per pochi secondi:
rimane sempre acceso:
Importante: Lo strumento deve essere conservato in luogo asciutto e in un ambiente non inquinato dai fumi, gas o
ATTENZIONE: Non usare il gas puro che fuoriesce dall'accendino direttamente sul sensore, in quanto potreb-
be esserne irrimediabilmente danneggiato. Il gas da accendino, passando rapidamente dallo stato liquido a
quello gassoso, diventa molto freddo e il salto termico prodotto potrebbe causare danni al sensore.
The SE151NM is a portable leaks detector with high sensitivity sensor is mounted inside the flexible probe con-
nected to the unit with flexible cable, so as to make the detection of small leakages easier even in difficult posi-
tions. It employs a semiconductor sensor particularly sensitive both to Methane and LPG. It can be used to detect
small gas leakages from pipes and flanges.
The gas concentration is shown through an acoustic alarm and a proportional lighting of the red LED. When the
LED illuminates the buzzer emits a more frequent sound if there is gas.
On the front panel are placed the "ON" and "OFF" push buttons, the Leds indicating "ON", "FAULT" and "ALARM".
Push the "ON" button to switch the unit on and the "OFF" button, to switch it off. An automatic switch off facility for
the batteries saving has been designed to intervene 10 minutes after the unit is switched on.
When switched on the unit needs stabilizing in fresh air for some seconds: as longer the sensor has been inactive,
as longer it will take for stabilizing.
During this time the "ALARM" led illuminates, the buzzer emits a continuous sound and the "FAULT" led may illu-
minate. After this time, only the green led "ON" will be on and the buzzer will emit a Bip-sound each 1 second. (The
frequency sound depends to the knob potentiometer position).
Zero Adjustment: On the right side of the case a knob potentiometer allows the Zero adjustment.
This operation is to be carried out, if necessary, 1 minute after the switching on in fresh air to adjust the sensor to
the environmental conditions and grant a high and steady gas sensitivity.
Adjust the potentiometer so as to have a continuous light only on the green led "ON" and with a BIP every 1 sec-
Battery: When the batteries are exhausted a green led "ON" flashing.
Faults: The Yellow Led "FAULT" illuminates for a few seconds: - at the unit switching on.
The Led illuminates continuously:
Important Note: The instrument must be kept in a dry and clean place, not polluted by smokes, gases or solvents.
WARNING! Do not test the unit by spraying pure gas coming from a lighter directly on the sensor since the
sensor could be damaged irremediably. Indeed, the lighter gas, rapidly passing from liquid to gaseous state,
becomes very cold and such a thermal shock can create serious damages to the sensor.
Le SE151NM est un détecteur portatif de gaz à haute sensibilité dont le capteur est monté dans la sonde flexible
raccordée à l'appareil à l'aide d'un câble extensible, de manière à faciliter la recherche de fuites de gaz aussi dans
des lieux difficiles à rejoindre.
Il est équipé d'un capteur semiconducteur sensible aux gaz inflammables et il peut être utilisé pour Méthane ainsi
que GPL. Il peut être utilisé pour la détection de fuites de gaz qui proviennent de tubes, raccords, soudures, etc.
L'indication de la concentration de gaz est fournie par une alarme acoustique et un LED rouges clignotant. Lors
que le LED s'illumine, le buer intervient avec un son plus vite en présence de gaz. Sur la face avant de l'appareil
sont visibles les boutons-poussoirs "ON" et "OFF" et les LED qui indiquent "ON", "FAULT" et "ALARM".
TECNOCONTROL S.r.l. Via Miglioli 47 SEGRATE ( MI )
Istruzione / User's Manual / Manuel d'utilisation
- all'accensione.
- quando uno o più fili della Sonda s'interrompono o si cortocircuitano.
- quando si guasta il Sensore.
- to indicate interruption or cable short circuit between the instru-
ment and the sensor.
- in case of any sensor failure.
Tel: (+39) 02/26 92 28 90 Fax: (+39) 02/21 33 734