Guide de dépannage
Possible Cause
Water doesn't flow
Connections my not be
from the faucet when
properly made.
activated by infrared
sensor and/or hand spray
is pulled down.
Water shut off valves are
not open.
Faucet handle is closed.
Batteries have
been depleted or are
installed incorrectly.
Sensor is not clean
or doesn't have a
clear vision.
Filter is blocked.
Sensor is not
working properly.
Water doesn't flow when
Faucet handspray feature
the handspray is pulled
needs to reset.
down. (Water flows only
when faucet is activated
with infrared sensor).
Use the instruction document to verify
all connections were properly made.
This will ensure water will flow correctly
inside the faucet.
Verify the water shut off valves are
open. This will ensure the faucet is
supplied with water.
Open the handle fully. Handle must be
in the open position for the water to
flow when sensors are active. If water
flows when the handle is closed, the manual
override is opened. Turn the knob on the control
box clockwise until completely closed.
Verify the batteries are charged/good and in the
correct +/- polarity. Change or reorient batteries
if needed.
Make sure the sensor is clean (even water might
block its vision). Wave hand in front of infrared
sensor within a distance of 2.5" (6cm) and pull
the handspray (The distance of 2.5" (6cm) will
be shorter if people wave with a darker hand or
darker objects. The darker the object, the shorter
the sensor will reach). Check for water flow.
Open the override to see if water will flow in
manual mode. If no water flows, close the water
feed to the faucet. Disconnect the top water feed
to the control box and verify the filter is clean.
Close manual override and try the sensors again.
Wave hand in front of infrared sensor again within
a distance of 2.5" (6cm), to see if the sensor eye
flashes a red light. If the sensor does not flash a
red light, replace the faucet body. If the sensor
flashes a red light but you do not hear a clicking
sound coming from the control box, replace the
control box.
Make sure the handle is in the open position
and the sensor is clean (even water might block
its vision). Wave your hand in front of infrared
sensor once at a distance of 2.5" (6cm) making
sure not to wave back and fourth (activating and
immediately deactivating the sensor). If no water
flows, replace the faucet body.
Possible Cause
Water doesn't
Faucet Handspray feature
flow when faucet is
needs to reset.
activated with infrared
sensor. (Water only flows
when the handspray is
pulled down).
Water drips from
Water dripping occurs
the faucet.
when the handle is in the
OPEN position.
Water dripping occurs
when the handle is in the
CLOSE position.
Water flow is diminished
Faucet handle is not
open fully. Filters may
have debris.
Water flow doesn't
Manual override might be
automatically stop
slightly open.
after 3 minutes.
Water flow stops
Batteries have
while using (which
been depleted.
is not stop by auto
shutoff after 3 mins),
Check if there are
or water suddenly flows
any water droplets
without any motion.
covering the sensor eye
that would interfere with
its activation.
The infrared
Flashing indicates
sensor flashes a
batteries are
red light three
running low.
times per second.
Make sure the handle is in the open position
and the sensor is clean (even water might block
its vision). Wave your hand in front of infrared
sensor once at a distance of 2.5" (6cm) making
sure not to wave back and fourth (activating and
immediately deactivating the sensor). If no water
flows, replace the faucet body.
Manual override might be slightly open.
Close the manual override on the control
box by turning the knob clockwise until
completely closed.
Change the faucet cartridge.
Open the handle fully and test the flow. If the
water flow is still diminished, clean the filter found
in the top part of the black control box and clean
the aerator and nipples on the faucet head.
Verify if manual override on the control box is
closed (turn the knob clockwise until completely
closed). If it's open, close it and do the test again.
If the manual override is already closed, wave
your hand in front of the infrared sensor to
activate the water flow and repeat the movement
to stop the water flow.
Verify the batteries are charged/good
and in the correct +/- polarity. Change
or reorient batteries.
Make sure the sensor is clean (even water might
block its vision) and try to stay outside the 2.5"
(6cm) range of the sensor to prevent accidentally
activating or deactivating it.
Change batteries.