The serial number plate for the Isuzu 3CE engine is located
on top of the valve cover at the fan end (C, Figure 45).
Figure 45
The serial number plate for the Stamford generator is located
in the middle of the side of the generator (D, Figure 46).
Figure 46
The serial number plate for the MCS heater unit is located on
the back of the heater unit to the lower right of the main fan
(E, Figure 47).
Figure 47
General Engine Fuel Information
The diesel fuel used for the engine must be clean and free of
dirt, contaminants and water.
In North America, diesel fuels that meet ASTM D975 for Ultra
Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) are required to be used. ULSD
has a maximum sulfur content of 15 Parts Per Million (PPM)
or 15 mg/kg. Diesel fuel may be No. 1-D or No. 2-D.
For those countries governed by the rules of the European
Community (EC), diesel fuels that meet EN590 for Ultra Low
Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) are required to be used. Diesel fuels
meeting this standard have a maximum sulfur content of 10
For non-regulated countries, and for further information on
fuels for your engine, see the Caterpillar engine Operation
and Maintenance Manual, or the Isuzu engine Instruction
Engine Oil
Check engine oil level daily with the engine stopped.
Maintain engine oil level between the FULL and ADD marks
on the dipstick. Add oil as necessary. Do not overfill the
engine crankcase.
When replenishing or replacing engine oil, use oils with an
API Classification of CI-4, CH-4 of CG-4. See the Caterpillar
engine Operation and Maintenance Manual, or the Isuzu
engine Instruction Manual tables for engine oil viscosities at
ambient temperatures.
Stop the engine prior to replacing the engine oil. Do not
drain the oil when the engine is cold. Dirt and debris will not
be suspended in cold engine oil, and will not flow out with
the draining oil. Bring the engine to operating temperature.
Stop the engine and drain the crankcase with the oil warm to
ensure that dirt and debris will remain in solution with the oil
and flow out with the oil.
For further information on oil for your engine, see the engine
operator's manual.
Engine Coolant
The heater trailer is equipped with a coolant recovery bottle
in the engine coolant system. Keep engine coolant in the
recovery bottle between 1/3 and 2/3 full at all times.
The engine coolant, as delivered from Allmand, is a 50/50
mix of ethylene glycol and low mineral content, low corrosive,
de-ionized water. This mix provides protection from freezing
to -33.5° F (-36.4° C).
When adding or replacing engine coolant, use an ethylene
glycol based heavy duty engine coolant that meets ASTM
D6210. Coolant may be either prediluted (pre-mixed 50/50
with water), or coolant concentrate which is then mixed 50%
by volume with low mineral content, low corrosive, de-ionized